jo brand
So the world of BBC panel games has finally entered the 20th Century. Women don't just have the right to vote now, there is more good news. BBC Director of Television Danny Cohen has been quoted in the Observer as saying that "We're not going to have panel shows on any more with no women on them. You can't do that.
Is it possible to learn to be a comedian? A lot of people obviously think so. Well over a hundred were prepared to pay between £99 and £150 for a one-day intensive and very enjoyable crash course in the subject on Saturday.
It has been a busy time for big comedians lately. Not just busy doing gigs and panel shows and plugging their plethora of product, but also busy being taken seriously. Following his guest editorship of the New Statesman and his appearance on Newsnight Russell Brand has now been taken to task by Robert Webb for being more style than content. Webb wrote a stinging response for the New Statesman saying that Brand's anti-voting stance has made him rejoin the Labour Party.
Jo Brand has defended Lee Mack, who she says was unfairly treated by the press for expressing views on Desert Island Discs recently that women weren’t cut out for comedy.
If there is one thing more frustrating than not being able to get a ticket for a rare sold-out Mighty Boosh gig it's two great causes clashing with each other. This Wednesday there are two top class charity gigs with unmissable line-ups - if you are only going to go to one comedy gig this week try to make it one of these.
The poster on the left kind of says it all really. Jo Brand comperes this gig at the Union Chapel on Tuesday in aid of providing greater choice at the end of life. Brand has not done a proper stand-up tour for some time, but she is always an excellent host, having turned her deadpan sardonic humour into something more warm, engaging, accessible but still as funny.
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