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Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year

Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year Finalists Announced

The annual Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year Competition, which has taken place each February since 1995, has been confirmed to take place on Saturday 5th June 2021 at its traditional home, The Y Theatre, Leicester.  The competition, which has helped to discover comedy talent for more than 25 years, was postponed due to the Covid national lockdown and wasn’t able take place as part of Leicester Comedy Festival 2021.

News: Leicester Mercury Comedian Of The Year 2019 Results

The winner has been announced at this year's Leicester Mercury Comedian Of The Year 2019 Final, which took place at the Y Theatre as part of the Leicester Comedy Festival.

The Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year Competition has taken place each February since 1995 and past winners have included Johnny Vegas, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, Jo Enright and Kate Lucas.  Entry is via nomination from a selected group of UK promoters and the winner was chosen by an industry judging panel. 

Review: Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year

Not laughing apparently causes a condition known as “bum grape”. Well, it does if I heard skilful Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year host Rob Rouse correctly. Not much chance of graping of the bum at this year’s competition though, with eight consistently comical acts hoping to follow in the illustrious footsteps of previous winners such as Johnny Vegas and Jason Manford.

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