
Edinburgh Fringe Comedy Poster Awards Results

The winners of the Comedy Poster Awards at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe have been announced.

The judges’ choice of Panel Award was presented to the illustrated poster Deep Fried in Patter, by James Lawrence, for Scottish comics Iain Pringle and Paddy Linton’s double-bill show.

The other shortlisted entrants were Abi Clarke: (Role) Model, Amy Gledhill: Make Me Look Fit on the Poster, Chonk, and Hot Ghoul Summer.


Edinburgh Fringe Comedy Poster Awards – Winners Revealed

The winners of the seventh Comedy Poster Awards at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe have been announced at a live ceremony at Gilded Balloon’s Patter Hoose.

From a ten-strong shortlist announced yesterday, the judges’ choice of Panel Award was presented to Bennett Arron’s poster for Loser – designed and photographed by the comic himself. 


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